Specialists in Equine & Canine
Therapy & Physical Conditioning
If you have any concerns about your horse or dog’s physical condition or performance contact us for advice or treatment.
World Class advice and treatment for every horse & dog
McGregor & Pringuer is the UK’s leading equine osteopathy practice
McGregor DogCare for arthritis or injuries in pets or sports competitors
McGregor provide postgraduate courses to qualify as animal osteopaths
About McGregor Group
McGregor Group
The purpose of the McGregor Group is to help owners and trainers to maintain their animal’s physical condition and remain healthy. It is the UK’s leading animal osteopathy practice.
We assess the reasons for pain or poor performance and provide appropriate advice and treatment - and we provide ongoing preventative care to protect against injury and to improve performance. We do this for top animal competitors, for ‘leisure’ animals and for family pets.
Consistent mobility, flexibility and quality of movement are absolutely vital to every horse and dog. It is the basis of everything a horse or dog does and lives for but it is the least developed element of animal physical conditioning.
Stuart McGregor
Stuart is acknowledged as the leading World expert on animal flexibility and mobility. He was the creator and first to apply Body Adjustment techniques to horses and dogs, starting in 1984, and is recognised as the originator of modern animal osteopathy. He wrote 'The principles of osteopathy applied to the horse' which was the first ever written piece of work on the subject. He has since developed a deep understanding of animal anatomy and physiology and the role that osteopathic techniques could play in resolving injury and maintaining fitness.
Stuart has lectured extensively in the UK and internationally and regularly advises organisations in the horse and dog care world - including vets, trainers, riders and other equine and canine therapists - of the animal structure and function. He has trained many of the leading UK and overseas practitioners at the renowned Osteopathic Centre for Animals in Wantage where he is Centre Principal.
Stuart is based in the UK but has run clinics all over the World including extensively throughout Europe, the USA, Australia as well as providing consultation and advice to clients in South America, South Africa and the Middle East.
Stuart graduated from the European School of Osteopathy, Maidstone, in 1984 and has 30 years of practical experience. He is registered with the General Osteopathic Council and is a member of the British Osteopathic Association.
In the UK, the treatment of animals must be controlled by a qualified vet and no therapist can treat your animal without your vet’s permission. McGregor Group has an excellent relationship with vet practices. If you would like us to treat your animals other than in the UK please check with the veterinary authorities in your country to see if veterinary referral is required.